Welcome to your Wit’s End, the Top Travel Destination of the 2020s. At you well know, one cannot fly there—one must be driven to Wit's End.

People are driven to Wit’s End by husbands or wives, parents or children, bosses and coworkers. Remarkably, many are driven to Wit’s End by total strangers. 

One visitor who spoke on condition of anonymity said, 'The first year, my husband drove me here. It took my breath away. I was gasping, hyperventilating—it felt like I was dying, if I’m honest. Next year, my mother-in-law did me the favour. I guess I’m lucky.'

Waking up at Wit’s End

Some people don't know quite how they got here. Occasionally, after a night of fitful rest, one may simply wake up at Wit’s End.

One visitor told us, 'There’s a panic—as I move through the day, I’m beside myself. As if I’m watching myself in a travel show that I happen to be in'.

Your Wit's End

Another distinguishing feature is the feeling that one has arrived at a place with a population of one—you! Your perceptions are fundamentally altered.

'I know this place is technically open to all, but I strangely feel as if it is mine alone', a visitor told us.

Top 10 Things to Do 

  1. Ironing 

  2. Binge Eating
Binge Drinking
Binge Watching
Phone Touching

  6. Puzzle Solving
Frequent Bathing

  8. Door Slamming

  9. Music Appreciating

My Wit’s End Rewards

Frequent visitors may qualify for the Rewards programme, which comes with a bewildering array of indecipherable legal documents that one must accept unconditionally in order to be rewarded for things. 

Wit's End Rewards Card process flow by Jolly & Goode

Before You Leave

Are you sure you want to go? Take a moment to think about what it would mean to remain here for the rest of your life. Might some part of you really like that? Should you listen to that part?

As you lie in bed and drift off, take comfort in knowing that, with a good night’s sleep, you will wake up somewhere else.  

Gift Shop

A must for any traveller is a souvenir from the Wit's End Gift Shop. These items are just the thing for sustaining and keeping one's wits. And this is key: These items help you connect and converse with others who've been to special place.