Corgi Scholar Investigates Corgishire's Origin

Modern Corgishire is a thriving community filled with all manner of Corgis, including the finest Corgi historians in the Realm.

However, leading Corgi Scholars remain vexed about the ancient origins of Corgishire. Specifically, where it all began.

Professor Dibbles of CorgbridgeEsteemed Corgbridge Professor Emeritus C.S. Dibbles explains, 'Every year, we dig up new clues about the origins of Corgishire civilisation, and every answer reveals new questions.'

One question is the precise location of Corgishire's first settlement. Professor Dibbles is chasing the answer doggedly.

'We appear to have narrowed it down to three legitimate possibilities', he said.

1. Silbury Hill

Silbury Hill is a large mound near Avebury in the English county of Wiltshire. It is part of the Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites UNESCO World Heritage Site.

At 39.3 metres (129 ft) high, it is the tallest mound in Europe and one of the largest in the world. Its original purpose is still debated. 

Was it built by Corgis?

Professor Dibbles thinks so. 'Some might argue that Silbury Hill is outside Modern Corgishire, but we must remember that in ancient times, Corgishire's boundaries extended far beyond what we know today, and could have easily encompassed Wiltshire.' 

Why would Corgis create such large mound? For the pure joy of doing so? To safeguarded a large storehouse of chewable bones for the future? It remains a mystery.

2. Tintagel

On the coast of Cornwall, Tintagel has long been thought to be the ancient home of King Arthur, but according to Dibbles, 'That is a load of bollocks'.

He explains, 'Tintagel was built and occupied by the Knights of Corgishire and anyone who says otherwise is chasing his own tail.'

Only Corgis, it is thought, could traverse the small, treacherous paths of Tintagel. And only the Royal Navy of Corgishire had the technology required to access Tintagel from the sea.

3. Laugharne

Laugharne is near the boundaries of Modern Corgishire, in Wales.

Do you know the phrase: Are you having a laugh?

Professor Dibbles explains, 'It was originally "Are you having a Laugharne?" Hilarious place, Laugharne. Absolutely hysterical'.

The good cheer of Laugharne may stem from it being the birthplace of Corgishire civilisation. 

'We've dug holes in Laugharne that would make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. The oldest chew toys on record were found in Laugharne's Big Dig'.

Wrapping up 

Whilst we don't know precisely where Corgishire first flourished, one thing is certain: It continued to thrive for many centuries, surpassing any and all tribulations with trademark playfulness and loveliness.  

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