The twinkling lights are up, the scent of mulled wine fills the air and the unmistakable sound of Mariah Carey's 'All I Want for Christmas' is echoing from every store—that's right, it's Secret Santa season, and if you're looking for cheeky Secret Santa gifts, you've come to the right place. But first, a word about the Art of Giving cheeky gifts. 

The Art of Giving Cheeky Secret Santa Gifts

1. Know Your Cheeky Gift Audience:

The first rule of finding the ideal Cheeky Secret Santa Gift is to understand your audience. Take a moment to consider the recipient's personality, interests and individual sense of humour. Are they known for their literary witticisms, love for a particular TV show or maybe their fondness for darkly hilarious items? The more you know about the person, the better you can tailor your cheeky present to suit their tastes.

2. Keep It Cheeky, Not Offensive:

According to Wictionary, Cheeky means: impertinently bold, often in a way that is regarded as endearing or amusing. By definition, bold impertinence can easily veer into the offensive. Whilst cheeky gifts are all about humour, it's essential to strike the right balance. Ensure your gift is light-hearted and fun, steering clear of anything that could be offensive or inappropriate. We avoid such things by following our motto: Cheeky, Lovely, Brilliant

3. Embrace Inside Jokes:

If you share inside jokes or common experiences with the recipient, use them to your advantage. Inside jokes can add a personal touch, making it even more meaningful and amusing. Obvs, an inside joke may give away your identity as the Secret Santa.

4. Practicality with a Cheeky Twist:

A cheeky gift doesn't have to be purely for laughs; it can also be practical. Look for items that are amusing yet useful. For example, an Emergency Screaming Pillow combines humour with functionality, making it a winning choice for the right person. Mugs, aprons, tote bags, and crossbody bags are other good choices in this category, although some might not welcome an apron if it implies more work for them—again, know your audience.

5. Unique and Quirky Finds:

Cheeky gifts often stand out for their uniqueness. Explore local boutiques, British humour specialists like Jolly & Goode, and vintage shops for quirky items that cannot be found elsewhere. These one-of-a-kind presents tend to be the most memorable and beloved.

6. Wordplay & Puns:

A clever play on words can turn a regular gift into a cheeky masterpiece. Find items related to the recipient's interests. For example, a Charles Dickens enthusiast might love a cheeky gift from the Dick Ensian collection or Jacob Marley collection. We specialise in wordplay and typographic designs, some of which are Brilliant gifts.  

7. Consider the Recipient's Hobbies & Passions:

Cheeky gifts that align with the recipient's hobbies or passions are often a hit. Do they love corgis? See the Corgishire collection. Do they love unicorns? See these British Unicorn Outfitters items. Are they cyclists? See the London Bicycles collection. If they're into wine, then a cheeky Loire Alley London gift might be perfect. Are they self-deprecating knitters? Try The Knitwits collection. British baking fans? See The Ministry of Biscuits.  

8. Surprise and Delight:

The element of surprise adds an extra layer of excitement to cheeky Secret Santa gifts. Think about how you can package or present your gift creatively. For someone who loves to surprise others, consider the Element of Surprise bag. Surprise is part of what makes a cheeky gift a delight.

9. Personalisation?

Personalised gifts may have an extra charm. If you can find a way to add the recipient's name or a special message to your cheeky gift, it will be treasured even more. If you'd like us to personalise a particular item (such as a sports jersey), drop us a line.

10. Budget-Friendly Cheek:

You don't need to break the bank to find a cheeky Secret Santa gift. Some of the most amusing presents are surprisingly affordable. Keep your budget in mind while exploring your options and get creative with your choices. We offer an entire Cheeky Gifts collection, which you can sort by price. 

In the world of Secret Santa, cheeky gifts have the power to bring laughter and warmth to the Christmas season. As you embark on your quest to find the perfect cheeky gift, remember it's the thoughtfulness, humour and a touch of mischief that make these presents truly special. Your Secret Santa gift is sure to leave everyone in the right kind of stitches.

Jolly & Goode